Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Second Sundering - Chapter 1: Cults of the Evermother Summary

How the group met:
The party was either a new hire, a current employee, working on favors or him trying to generate a partnership with Tormund Gliviv in the town of Norringtone.

Who was in the group:
  1. Trodec, the Noble Mountain Dwarf Rogue
  2. Tomeck, the Half-Elf Hero of Sommerset
  3. Flidais, the mostly Wildwoman Ranger
  4. Varus Silvertongue, the Half-Elf Entertainer
  5. Nagi, A Devout Monk and adversary to Lycanthropes
  6. Basel, A Scholarly Paladin of Free Thought and Reason

1) Tormund Gliviv came in at the middle of the night at the Defeated Pillows and began accusing the new hires for missing crates.
     a) Tormund Gliviv was discovered to have and operate with slave labor, on top of being behind on payments.
          i.) Tormund, after being pressured by Trodec, swore he would get everyone's payment in by the morning.
     b) Tormund tells the party to go investigate in the morning and make sure nothing is missing.
     c) The squire to Trodec is skilled at the Lute and was loosely being courted by Varus and Tomeck.
     d) Trodec sent his envoy to the mine to make sure nothing was altered/changed in the middle of the night.

2) When the party arrived at the Gliviv's Digsite in the morning most knew the following:
     a) The Digsite had four rooms: An entrance, an equipment room, an infirmary and cataloging room and finally the new dig room.
           i.) In the equipment room, there was a hunk of silver set up as bait for a trap, it was worth 20g.
     b) When the party encountered finally encountered the Kobolds, it was Nagi and Basel that were first ambushed.
            i.) All but one of the Kobolds was killed: Yip-yip.

3) Investigating deeper the party found:
     a) A secret trapdoor in the newly worked room.  It functioned as a slide and deposited the party on a bed of hay.  The party was then introduced to an unfamiliar bunch of robed figures.
          i.)  DM Note: Sleep spell is amazing.
          ii.) The party investigated the individuals and discovered they were cultists of the Five and
         cultists to the goddess, Tiamat.
          iii.) The party also discovered that there was an individual named: Sss'drak somewhere in this area that was running the operation.
     b) As the party pushed forward, they discovered a room with a cooking pot and did not investigate that further.  The party has had a total of three fights and required a full rest.
          i.) Luckily, no random encounters.
     c) The key was used to unlock both the door at the end of the hallway and a door in the new
     hallway.  It does not work on the door behind.
          i.) A secret door was caught ajar before the party had taken a long rest in this hallway.
          ii.) When they re-entered, it was closed.  Later they discovered a lever unlocked it.
          iii.) The party fought two more groups: a total of 4 cultists and 4 kobolds were in this pack.
          iv.) The party was very effective in this fight because of a surprise round and sleep spell.
     d) The party found two more keys which led to the room where Sss'drak laired.
          i.) Sss'drak proved to be a strong foe, almost killing Basel out right with his breath weapon.
          ii.) Sss'drak was also discovered to be a Green Half-Dragon (learned from Yip-yip).
          iii.) Yip-yip was killed by the poison gas.

4) Key treasure found:
     a) Total Chapter Coinage found: 15PP, 211GP,  346SP and 59CP & 20g chunk of silver.
     [Thanks Varus!] There was also a total of four potions.
         i.) Three potions were identified as potions of cure wounds (2d4+2 hp)
         ii.) One potion was not identified.
         iii.) There was a scroll of magic missile, but it was used.
     b) A ring that seemed to be drenched in Abjuration magic.
     c) A green gem that is fist-sized.  It radiated planar magic.

Session Wrap-up:
The party now knows that the cultists of Tiamat and Cultists of the Five are working together for potentially the same goal.  The gem may or may not be a key to this union.  Tormund Gliviv has yet to pay the party for their labor and work.  The only known Gnome survivor is Hammerfist.

Session Rewards:
The party attained enough experience to level up to level 2.
Each party member has also accrued 10 days of Downtime.


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Incoming Wall of Text
Downtime will normally be rewarded at the end of every session.  You may expend these downtime days in a variety of ways and may break your days up however you wish.  On top of expending Down Time days, you are expected to pay for room and board and other expenses of daily life are covered below:

Quality of Living Cost
Wretched -
Squalid 1 Silver Piece
Poor 2 Silver Pieces
Modest 1 Gold Piece
Comfortable 2 Gold Pieces
Wealthy 4 Gold Pieces
Aristocratic 10 or more Gold Pieces

Quality of Living Description:

  • Wretched- You are starving or homeless and have a potential to be robbed in the middle of the night.
  • Squalid- You may have found either a hay bed or a cheap loaf of bread and have a potential of being robbed or mugged in the middle of the night.
  • Poor- You've managed to find a room and board, but it offers a cheap loaf of bread and a lumpy mattress.
  • Modest- This is the standard cost of living with far less crime and a far more palatable meal.
  • Wealthy- The life of successful adventurer's dream, now with complete bedding and complementary ale.
  • Aristocratic- Faux-nobility at its richest.

Downtime Activities

Basic Activities-
Become proficient in a new skill, language, or tool (250 days)

Advanced Training-
Become proficient in the use of armor, shields, weapons (300 days)

Each day spent working a profession generates 2d6+character level worth of silver.  An Entertainer and Guild Artisan generates 3d6+character level worth of silver.

Craft non-magical item-
Each day a character may work on crafting a non-magical item of almost any variety.  Each downtime day used in this fashion generates 25+character level gold worth of work towards that item.

Craft magical item-
Creating a magical item is a sophisticated process that takes precision and time.  There are five main ingredients to most magical items: Level requirement, the spell in nature, and sometimes, a formula, the item or vessel to be enchanted, and gold. A formula is not consumed when making a magical item.

RarityMinimum LevelTimeBase Gold PriceFormula
Common3rd10 Days100gRarely
Uncommon3rd50 Days500gSometimes
Rare6th250 Days5,000gUsually
Very Rare11th500 Days50,000gAlways

Perform Sacred Rites-

A character may spend time in his or her location giving and offering sermons, marriage rites, funeral services, ordinations and other processes of their faith to the commonfolk.  If a character spends at least 10 days performing rites, they start each morning for the next 2d6 days with inspiration.

A character with the Sage background generates an additional inspiration point that may be given to another character for each 10 days spent performing rites.

A character may decide to spend time committing to research on either a location, item, creature or map.
  • If a character spends at least 10 days researching an item, they either learn of its location or discover its activation word, but cannot ascertain whether the item is cursed or not without magical aid.  To discover how to destroy an artifact requires at minimum 50 days.
  • A character that spends at least 10 days researching a location may discover a hidden cache, knowledge of a secret door, a rumored location of an artifact or even the original purpose to a location. 
  • Finally a character may decide to research a creature.  If they choose to research a creature the character may discover one of the following with every 10 days of research: Its average hitpoints, its vulnerabilities, its special abilities, or its resistances and so forth.
  • A character may spend 5, 10, 20 or 40 days to begin research on discovering a formula for a magical item.  It takes 5 days to research common magical item, 10 days for uncommon magical items, 20 days for rare magical items and 40 days for very rare magical item formulas.  This research is for one item and may be repeated for additional formulas.
  • A character with the sage background may commit to two topics of research at the same time.
Spreading Rumors-
A character may decide to start build rumors against or for another character or npc.  The rate at which a rumor spreads is dependent on the size of the town, but all take at least five days to have a rumor spread. A successful rumor requires a persuasion or deception check of 15 and shifts the populace's appeal towards that individual upwards or downwards depending outcome and rumor.  A character with the charlatan or noble background may create two rumors at the same time.

Time Needed
Village     2d6 Days
Town4d6 Days
City6d6 Days

Advanced Activities-

Build a Stronghold-
The dream of most adventurer's is to eventually have a place to call their own and some put their wealth and hard work into building just that.  A stronghold can serve as a place of revenue, a place of recruitment, a treasury that is secured, a place of worship or even a den of treachery.  It is up to the imagination of the player to decide what their stronghold will become.

StrongholdConstruction CostConstruction Time
Abbey50,000g400 Days
Guildhall5,000g60 Days
Keep or small castle50,000g400 Days
Noble estate with manor25,000g150 Days
Outpost or fort15,000g100 Days
Palace or large castle500,000g1,200 Days
Temple50,000g400 Days
Tower, fortified15,000g100 Days
Trading post5,000g60 Days

Sometimes characters are looking for downtime without the needs of work, but hedonism.  Each day spent carousing is done at the expenses of a Wealthy living expense per day (4gp/day). A character with the criminal or folk hero background roll with a +10 bonus.

d100 + Level Result
01–10 You are jailed for 1d4 days at the end of the downtime period on charges of disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace.
You can pay a fine of 10 gp to avoid jail time, or you can try to resist arrest.
11–20 You regain consciousness in a strange place with no memory of how you got there, and you have been robbed of 3d6 × 5 gp.
21–30 You make an enemy. This person, business, or organization is now hostile to you. The DM determines the offended party.You decide how you offended them.
31–40 You are caught up in a whirlwind romance. Roll a d20. On a 1–5, the romance ends badly. On a 6–10, the romance ends amicably. On an 11–20, the romance is ongoing.
You determine the identity of the love interest, subject to your DM’s approval.
If the romance ends badly, you might gain a new flaw. If it ends well or is ongoing, your new love interest might represent a new bond.
41–80 You earn modest winnings from gambling and recuperate your lifestyle expenses for the time spent carousing.
81–90 You earn modest winnings from gambling. You recuperate your lifestyle expenses for the time spent carousing and gain 1d20 × 4 gp.
91 or higher You make a small fortune gambling. You recuperate your lifestyle expenses for the time spent carousing and gain 4d6 × 10 gp.Your carousing becomes the stuff of local legend.

Selling Magic Items-
Selling a magic item is a two step problem: Not everyone has the expendable income to purchase a magical item and the quality of buyer may or may not be what you expected.

Salable Magic Items
Rarity Base Price Days to Find Buyer d100 Roll Modifier
Common 100g 1d4 Days +10
Uncommon 500g 1d6 Days +0
Rare 5,000g 1d8 Days -10
Very Rare 50,000g 1d10 Days -20

Quality of Buyer

D100 + Mod You find...
20 or lower A buyer offering a tenth of the base price.
21-40 A buyer offering a quarter of the base price, and a shady buyer offering half of the base price.
41-80 A buyer offering a half of the base price, and a shady buyer offering the full base price.
81-90 A buyer offering the full base price.
91 or higher. A shady buyer offering one and a half times the base price, no questions asked.

Varus Journal, Entry #12: The Rise of Greystone Keep

Once we cleared out Greystone Keep and the haunted village, we spent a long night drinking and discussing what to do next. At the end of t...