Monday, July 9, 2018

Session 11 Loot List

Haunted Village

- 2 potions of regeneration (Tomeck)
- scroll of magic missile (Varus)
- Boots of elvenkind (Basel)
- Boots of frost (Varus would like these if no one else is claiming)
- Crystal orb of augury (2 questions/day) (Varus)
- 10 blue spinels (500 gp/each)
- +2 longbow (Tyala)
- +2 rapier (Varus)
- +2 dagger (Basel)
- wand of fireballs (Varus)
- 10K gp chandelier
- Book: The Simple Slimes (10 days of study)

Unagi's intelligent magical shortsword

 - Unagi resisted at first, but was taken over by the sword while trying to attune to it, unbeknownst to the others
- electricity crackles along it. d6 extra electrical damage
- +1 to hit/damage
- Endure Elements while wielding it
- when attuned, proficient in History
- Metamorphic
- It dulls gems and jewelry, reducing value by at least half
- It is true neutral, and shows the wielder glimpses of a judge making decisions
- The wielder's alignment changes randomly every day (determined by die roll) 
- The wielder does not care about events unless they benefit personally 

From previous sessions

Potions from Greystone Keep cache identified:

- Potion of Greater Healing
- Potion of Animal Friendship
- Oil of Slipperiness

A Very 6th Level Spellbook

1st level: Magic Missile, Burning Hands, Shield, Identify, Mage Armor, Floating Disk, Detect Magic, Color Spray
2nd level: Acid Arrow, Scorching Ray, Web, Invisibility
3rd level: Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Fear, Fly
Value: ~9200 gp
Could have other uses
Bound in red dragon scales

Crafting Recipes

+1 magical weapon (arrows and bolts), +1 light or medium armor, +2 ring of protection, Ring of invisibility, minor

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