Monday, October 9, 2017

The Second Sundering - Chapter 2: The Forest of Woe Summary

DM note: Please help me out with spelling of names for the new players, I might have added a few vowels or not enough vowels.

Who was in the group:
  1. Tomeck, the second level Half-Elf Sorcerer
  2. Flidais, the second level Wildwoman Ranger
  3. Varus Silvertongue, the second level Half-Elf Bard
  4. Nagi, the second level Monk of St. Cuthbert
  5. Basel, the second level Paladin of Rao
Also starring:
  1. Tayala, the Wood Elf Charlatan
  2. Valentia, The Outlandish Forest Gnome Druid

  1. Varus spent five days researching the gem that was found in the previous session that emmenated with planar magic and his last five days were spent performing at the Defeated Pillow earning a bed an payment.
  2. Basel spent all ten days in support and researching the gem with Varus.  There were several breakthroughs, but they did not share the information.
  3. Tomeck spent ten days in research and discovered the formula to a rain of protection.
  4. Flidais spent ten days hunting and sold pelts and meat to the local markets making a sizable return.
  5. Nagi spent ten days developing proficiency with perception.  He is still a long way from mastering this skill.

Events that occurred: 
  1. Tormund Gliviv sold his mine rights to Sir Klavin.
  2. Before leaving town, he buys out all contracts for 30 gold pieces.  He pays Tomeck 25 gold pieces and offers him an oathstone worth 10 gold pieces.
  3. Sir Klavin has welcomed the adventures and paid for your stay at the Defeated Pillows for the last ten days.
  4. Sir Klavin seems busy, leaving and returning from hunts and helping to prepare for Guldize, the harvest festival.
  5. Several buyers have shown up for the gem, but none of them seem trustworthy or of noble birth.
  6. Trodec's favor was paid off and has returned to training his squire.  He has left town.
  7. There are rumors around Guldize and some have called it "the end days".
  8. Even worse, rumors from the King's Road that several caravans have spotted a large green dragon above the tree line of the Forest of Woe.
  9. Nagi and Tayala were afflicted with screaming nightmares, either visions of their death or destruction of the town.
  10. Tomeck, Flidais, Basel and Valentia have all received dragon teeth in their bed, a firm warning from an outside force.
  11. Varus had a great week and won 5 gold pieces through a lucky gambling streak.
  12. Nagi spent time getting his sword silvered, prying on his superstition against the lycanthrope horrors.

1) The Defeated Pillow
     a) After the party had recovered from their downtime, they got back together to discuss current
     events around them.
          i.) They learned that every year for Guldize, the harvest festival, that the townsfolk suffer
          waking nightmares.
               o) Prying deeper, they discovered that the dreams have gotten more an more violent every
               year, with this year being the most violent.
     b) The tavern is run by a human named Alvin Simon-Theodore and owned by a "Dave".
     c) Varus and Tayala got to know each other loosely through the week of gambling off and on.
     d) Valentia, a soft-spoken, was introduced as a long family friend of Flidais, claiming that they
     were neighbors.
     e) After getting acquainted, the sound of a galloping horse and a man screaming for help could be
     heard outside of the tavern.
     f) A dying hunter working with Sir Klavin, the ruling noble of Norringtone, says they were
     ambushed.  He escaped while Sir Klavin was captured.
          i.) He was saved by the party through both magical and practical means.
          ii.) A dagger was recovered from his back with a symbol of the Five in the hilt.
     g) The hunted said it had taken him six days to get back to town and he fears that if no one helps
     Sir Klavin, he will be killed.
     h) The hunter returned to town from the Forest of Woe.

2) The Forest of Woe
     a) After discovering that their travel might take upwards to six days, the party procured a shoddy
     carriage and two horses named: Rao and Bert.
     b) Heading into the woods, Valentia and Flidais discover that it would only take two days of
     travel instead of six to get where the hunter said he and Sir Klavin were ambushed.
     c) Tomeck, the only one who knew how to drive a wagon was left outside drinking his keg.
     d) Venturing deeper into the Forest of Woe, Valentia recalled the animals talking about a creature
     called the Howling Terror, several giant spiders and packs of wolves as large as a horse.
          i.) Driving the carriage deeper Tomeck and Valentia, who was riding her dog, began to notice              the canopy darken as branches became dressed in gossamer, and cocooned animals as large
          as deer.
     e) Deeper into the Forest, the carriage had to stop to clear fallen trees and then they encountered
     magical brambles that seemed to grow back quickly and grew as thick as arms.
          i.) Taking roughly an hour to clear the brambles and move the carriage out of their path, the
          party discovered dusk over-taking them and they knew that they would have to camp soon.
     f) After spending an additional hour collecting firewood and setting up camp, three fires were lit
     around their camp.  Valentia warned that night will be long because of the tree growth.

3) Nightwatch- Two Major Events
     a) Tomeck was first on watch and had the greatest misfortune.
          i.) A giant green dragon swooped down onto the camp and seemed to be searching for
          something in particular.
          ii.) It's wing-span took well over 100 feet, and easily was the size of simple house.
     b) Basel also found something on his watch
          i.) Howling was heard within the woods and Basel also caught the sight of a torch in the
          ii.) The howling seemed to be interrupted by the screams of a man and Basel awakened the
          party to investigate.
          iii.) After looking through the woods, the party encountered a huge wolf and a smaller wolf
          and combat began as the smaller wolf engaged the part.
          iv.) The larger wolf was easily dispatched, but the smaller wolf turned out to be a werewolf
          and bit Tayala.
               o) She may or may not potentially be affected by the curse of the Lycanthrope.

4) Down the Trail
     a) Morning seemed much quieter after the events of last night and there was little problems to
     start moving down the trail.
     b) On the way down the path, the brambles seemed to have stopped growing and the path seems
     to recently used to move heavier carts.
     c) On their venture down, Varus, Valentia, and Tomeck caught eyes of bandits on the path and
     began to warn the party as arrows began flying at the carriage.
          i.)  One of the bandit groups had a battering ram were going to attempt to push the carriage
          off the trail.
          ii.) The second group of bandits attempted to fire volley after volley of arrows at the party, but            were quickly dispatched by Flidais.
          iii.) As soon as they were dispatched, the other group was cut-down by arrows by Varus and
     d) Traveling down on the trail, the party found the trail thinning down and a horse was tied down.
          i.) A quick investigation took place and it was discovered that the horse belonged to Sir Klavin,
          ii.) The horse also had 4 potions of healing in located in its pouches
          iii.) The horse also seemed nearly starved, but the party moved it to a place where it could
          graze and get water.
          iv.) At this point, Valentia searched for a critter to talk to and found a woodpecker who told her
          that there was a man that was taken to a camp close-by.
     e) The path did not allow for the carriage to be pushed through much further, so they party hid the
     carriage, hobbled the horses and marched down the trail.  It was not long until they found a camp
     with smoke billowing through the air.

5) The Camp of Woe
     a) Down the road, the party discovered a small trail that led to the camp.  It seemed to be nestled
     on top of a hill and had natural protection bordering it.
     b) Tayala and Varus went to investigate the camp and found that there were four bandits and
     another Green Half-Dragon.
          i.) The Half-Dragon dropped the name Syythren'daal, as if concerned to see how this camp
          operated would have angered him.
          ii.) The Half-Dragon marched into a tent and lured a man out of the tent.  He was bound and
          being led up the hill.
          iii.) Varus instructed Tayala to go and get the party, and after she left, one of the bandits
          caught sight of Varus and began to call out Varus.
       c) Initially combat was going smoothly except for Varus.
          i.) Varus was the choice target for the Half-Dragon and the bandits as he was harried by
          javelins and arrows.
          ii.) The Half-Dragon was hit by several huge blows, but refused to go down.  He seemed to be
          a force too powerful for the group.
          iii.) At one point, the Half-Dragon got between the party and below a caustic cloud of poison
          on top of the party.  Causing Valentia, Tayala to crumble to the ground, dying.  Basel and
          Varus clung to life by a thread.
          iv.) The bandits were cutdown from four to three by Tomeck with his mighty magic missile and
          it was Flidais who delivered the final blow to the Half-Dragon.
          v.) Tayala and Valentia were saved by Basel's Lay on Hands, breathing life into their lungs.
     d) After combat finished, a bandit was taken as a prisoner, they freed Sir Klavin from his bonds
     and began to explore the camp.
     e) Searching the camp, the party found a small cavern that seemed to be functioning as a dragon
     hatchery, there was only empty shells.

4) Key treasure found:
     a) Total Chapter Coinage found: 80GP, 1128SP, 2234CP.
     b) Gems found: 3 Agates (10g each), 1 Malachite (10g), 3 tiger's eye (10g each)
     c) Three unidentified potions
     d) A javelin of embers (1d6+4 fire damage)
     e) A suit of half-dragon sized plate mail
     f) A silvered rapier
     g) A sister green gem that is fist-sized.  It radiates Conjuration magic.
     h) An incomplete map with four puzzle pieces.

Session Wrap-up:
The party has fought their first werewolf and realized that magic and silver are the only ways to kill the wolf.  They also witnessed the rumor of the huge dragon flying above the Forest of Woe and have collected the name Syythren'daal.  They have no clue who that is.  Having encountered their second Half-Dragon, this one seemed far more threatening than the previous and shows the strength the cult might in reserve.

Session Rewards:
Basel, Nagi, Flidais, Tomeck & Varus have attained enough experience to become level 3.
Tayala and Valentia have attained enough experience to become level 2.
Each party member has also accrued 10 days of Downtime.

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