Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Second Sundering - Chapter 3: Consequences Summary

DM note: Sorry for the delay, life happened!  This should all be updated by the end of the week and catching me up with previous blog posts.

Who was in the group:
  1. Tomeck, the second level Half-Elf Sorcerer
  2. Flidais, the second level Wildwoman Ranger
  3. Varus Silvertongue, the second level Half-Elf Bard
  4. Nagi, the second level Monk of St. Cuthbert
  5. Basel, the second level Paladin of Rao
Events that occurred: 

  1. A grand feast was held in favor of the party after rescuing Sir Klavin.  The town looks more favorably at the party and several admirers make their approaches.
  2. More merchants, tinkerers and convoys talk about a large winged beast lurking above the Forest of Woe.
  3. The party has been invited to a future hunt with Sir Klavi, which is planned after the harvest.
  4. The bandit tat was taken captive was found with no relation to the cult.  He and his group were paid in front to collect people for a hatchery.
  5. The bandit reveals that Syythren'daal is an ancient wyrm.  He believes someone is controlling him or he is controlling the cult.
  6. The bandit was put to hang for Banditry, obviously.
  7. A weird mist has enveloped the town that sits from dusk to dawn.
  8. Many townsfolk are whispering the name "Auntie Murphy" as harvest gets closer.
  9. Varus was afflicted by a minor sun sickness, the rest of the party suffered bizarre, waking nightmares for the week.

1) The Defeated Pillow
     a) During the party's downtime, the party has received letters, requests and pleas for help.  The           party has 10 days to finish these objectives before the festival. After browsing through the letters         the group decided on three choices out of the six.

  1. A local family is calling for help after their child went missing over night.  They said that another group of children have gone missing as well the night before.  The party was led on a hunt to search for a witch named Auntie Murphy.
  2. The old well has had mysteries lurk around it as pets and livestock have been going missing.  Children and the town drunks claim that they hear whispers and chittering down the well.
  3. Finally the party chose to deal with the noble houses who felt like they were going to be threatened or killed in the middle of the night.
               o) The party found these as the least to worry about, but still a worry nonetheless:

  1. The party did not choose to deal with the giants that are causing turmoil on the King's Road and have been raiding anyone that crosses their path.
  2. The party did not choose to deal with "The Reaper" who is a folklore amongst the town.  He is to blame for rusted tools and missing crops.
  3. The party did have time to deal with the hatchery.
2) Auntie Murphy!
     a) After discovering that their travel might take upwards to six days, the party procured a shoddy
     carriage and two horses named: Rao and Bert.
     b) Taking their time entering the Forest of Woe once again, they found that owls are a major               component and it is obvious that the witch knows that the party was approaching.
     c) The forest seemed to allow the party to venture through it.  Offering little obstacles...making           their approach to the camp in about 3 and a half days- it is at the middle of the night that they find       Auntie Murphy's home.
     d) Auntie Murphy was seen talking to what looked like a Giant, later it was discovered that he             was an ogre.
          i.) There was a small pond near Auntie Murphy's house that seems to house souls.
          ii.) At this point, Murphy was seen entering her hut where the screams of children were heard.
     e) The party was then forced to act.  Nagi rushed into the hut and proceeded to knock out the               children in hopes of revealing the witch.  It wasn't until he was done that her grasp was upon him,       dominating him to kill his friends.
          i.) The battle was bloody and dangerous, at one point Basel was almost dumped into the pond,            Varus was almost sent to the ground dying and Auntie Murphy almost fled the Material plane,            but the party was successful, finding a trove of magical items and Basel collecting a hag horn.
     f) Only one of the children was severely hurt with a broken arm, the party treated them and they         went back to town.  They had three and a half days left before harvest.

3) The Well
     a) It was Basel who wanted to delve into the well and it was there that the party almost saw the           end of their lives.
          i.) Entering the old well, the party found a few large hallways and one room that housed spider            webs with cocoons about cat and cow size.  A skeleton was found embedded in the ceiling                  holding a hammer, but  were ambushed by Phase Spiders.  It was then that Auntie Murphy                  would have her last laugh.
          ii.) Varus' magical studded leather blinded him, Flidais' bow fired arrows that tracked back at              her and Nagi, Nagi found his gumption and shook of a nigh-incurable disease: Mummy Rot.
     b) The party, being handicapped, still made it through fighting off two phase spiders.  The                   hammer was loosened and recovered, but the rest of the well collapsed on itself.
          i.) The party went to the Bank of Bert to deal with their curses, it was discovered that Flidais'              soul might be cursed, the temple doesn't know how to deal with that sort of affliction.

4) Noble house of Daal'ren
     a) As the party went to investigate the Noble Houses, the name Daal'ren became more and more         spoken.  It was there under investigation that the party discovered the cult had began to infiltrate         the noble houses in Norringtone.
     b) The party, split, was able to deal with the damage of the cult, and escaped a burning house.  It         was after it had burned down that they discovered a hatch located underneath a bed.  This hatch           led to a path that went hundreds of feet under the town and to another hatch located near the               Forest of Woe.
     c) The party, well injured and exhausted decided to turn it in for the night.  It was tomorrow that         Harvest would come.

4) Key treasure found:
     a) Total Chapter Coinage found: ** will need this I randomly rolled it **
     b) Gems found: ** will need this I randomly rolled it **
     c) six potions, three unidentfied potions: Greater healing potion, Oil of Magic Weapon, Potion of         Curse Poison.
     d) Five scrolls: 1- Fireball, 1- Bless, the rest unidentified.
     e) A magical longbow, with telepathy.
     f) An Amulet of Health
     g) A set of Studded Leather of Poison Resistance
     h) 2 recipes: Bag of Holding I and Healing Potion
     i) A magical hammer in the shape of a lion
     j) Permanent residence in the Defeated Pillow and a small vault available in Bank of Bert.
     k) The townsfolk look more forward to the party as the doers and movers than Sir Klavin.
     l) A night hag horn.

Session Wrap-up:
The party, while accomplishing much, have saved the town from what might have been complete destruction.  The nightmares have stopped, but Alvin Simon-Theodore and other individuals in town have disappeared in a wisp.  Dave Villa came into to work his tavern.  It was there that he offered permanent residence in his basement there.  The party has a 40'x40' cellar to design as seen fit with non-magical goods.

Next session: The Harvest
Session Rewards:
Each party member has also accrued 5 days of Downtime.

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