Friday, November 17, 2017

The Second Sundering - Chapter 4: The Harvest pt. one

Who was in the group:
  1. Tomeck, the third level Half-Elf Sorcerer
  2. Varus Silvertongue, the third level Half-Elf Bard
  3. Tyalah, the second level Wood Elf Rogue
  4. Basel, the third level Paladin of Rao
Events that occurred: 
  1. After a short day's respite, the festival is upon us: People and carts circle the town square.  Laughter and rowdy voices dance through alleyways, in summary: Happiness.
  2. A caravan coming from the North is headed down south.  They swore that they heard rumors of giants but saw nothing.
  3. Scouts have reported that a small fort has been built near the mines bearing the symbol of the five.
  4. The farmers claim ruin as their crops have rotted through the night.  Their tools made of wood, iron and steel have withered.
  5. For removing the threat of assassination of their heads, the noble class pooled together 50 platinum pieces as payment.
1) The Defeated Pillow
     a) The party has been welcomed into the basement of the Defeated Pillow.  It is now an unofficial       headquarters for the group.
  1. The town is excited for the Festival even if there are shortcomings in the holiday spirit.  Most of the townsfolk have moved to the center of town and have been starting festivities since the daybreak.
2) The Harvest
     a) The Harvest has began and many vendors have come into the town.  There are some strange           shoppes of oddities, used camels, petting zoos and other knickknacks. The nobles invited the               group to come and drink with them.
     b) Through her downtime and investigation, Tyalah, I swear I will get this spelling down this               session, has discovered that Sir Klavin might have a connection with the dragon cults.
     c) Sir Klavin has left a gift for Varus, what looks to the be the last of the puzzle pieces needed for       a map of sorts.
     d) The party rages on until the late midday, when the festival was interrupted by a wandering               group of hill giants, throwing boulders at the town and laughing.
3) Simpletons- with Boulders for Brains
     a) The party was forced to engage with two hill giants who began to chuck boulders at the town.         At that point, several points of interest were damaged including: The entire second floor of the             Defeated Pillow and several homes.
          i.) The giants fought between each other and one came into the town, being pelted by spells                and arrows, he made it to the party and havoc began.
          ii.) Basel was knocked unconscious within one round of combat, Varus was almost flattened as            well and at that point it was between both Tormeck and Tyalah to commit to dealing with the              Giant.  It was Varus who had landed the killing blow, and with that the festival went on again,              celebrating the party as now the saviors once again.

4) Raid Upon the Town
     a) As the festival raged on, the party went to go sleep in the guest quarters of Sir Klavin's estate.         At midnight, the sounds of screaming, clanging of metal and the giant green wings of death                 scoured the sky above Norringtone.  The Cult of the Five had arrived and seemed to be searching       for items of interest.
     b) Sir Klavin tasked the party to help them defend the town and had listed out objectives that               needed to be completed: Secure the royal vaults, retrieve the ballista bolts from the armory, rescue       the townfolk who are being rounded up in cages and finally protect the granary and the last of the       food.
     c) The party decided the first course of action was protect the treasury

5) Key treasure found:
     a) Several pieces of the puzzle map
     b) A mask in the visage of a silver dragon
     c) A third green gem, similar to the previous two.

Session Wrap-up:
The party, exhausted from their armory, realized that time is of the essence and have realized how dire this attack is on the town.

Next session: The Harvest, part two.

Session Rewards:
Basel, Tormeck, Varus have all attained level 4.
Tyalah has attained level 3.

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