Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Second Sundering - Chapter 5 & 6: The Siege & Aftermath

Who was in the group:
  1. Tomeck, the fourth level Half-Elf Sorcerer
  2. Varus Silvertongue, the fourth level Half-Elf Bard
  3. Tyalah, the third level Wood Elf Thief
  4. Basel, the fourth level Paladin of Rao
  5. Flidais, the third level Hunter
Also Starring:
  1. Nagi, the third-ish level Human Monk
  2. A gnome with no home.
Events that occurred: 
  1. The party had enjoyed a short rest after ramping through the town and solving a few endemic problems.
  2. They were invited to the festival where they met several folk and nobles whom welcomed them into the small cliques.
  3. The town was shortly under siege by the Cult of the Five with the legendary dragon Sythrendaal.
  4. The group had captured a silver dragon mask and one of the green orbs/gems from the Bank of Bert, which was raided.
  5. The group went back to the festival and "reclaimed" magical goods from "Bizarre Bazaar".  
  6. The group was also able to capture one of the main armories which contained ballista bolts that would prove useful against the great dragon.
  7. The party discovered that Sir Klavin is or has the ability to polymorph into a Silver Dragon.
  8. Through the power and belief of Rao, Basel was able to hit a heart-seeking blow against the great dragon who retreated.
1) Magical Oddities
     a) The party went into the town and was hunting for magical items that would help benefit their            cause and keep magical items out of the reach of their foes.  The last known place for any                   magical item was the festival and the Wizard's merchandise at Bizarre Bazaar.
    1. The party encountered what looked to be 5 kobolds and 2 cultists who bore the mark of a dragonwing.
    2. The party had successfully dealt with the issue through one sleep spell and were able to adequately focus on two more important foes.  
    3. One of the kobolds attempted to flee with a ring of invisibility but was caught by a miracle.
    4. The party had looted several magical items including a bag of holding. 
2) The Armory
     a) The next location the party went to deal with to acquire ballista bolts to be able to fight against       Sythren'daal the Great Wyrm.

    1. Luckily, the party found the first armory with little to no problem and it was relatively unscathed.
    2. Inside they found several bolts, but quickly garnered the interest of two green dragon whelps.
    3. One of the whelps was able to enter the armory before the door was shut and thus the party was engrossed into combat.
      1. Flidais had suffered the breath of the whelp and was forced to create space between her and the whelp, but to no avail.
    4. The other whelp, locked outside began to pound on the door, attempting to bash it in with brute strength while combat ensued.
    5. Once when of the whelps was defeated, the party was able to escape.
3) Battle of Dragons
     a) The party returned back to Sir Clavin's keep.  There, the party was gathered and they had                 formed a plan to fight off the great green dragon.

    1. The party worked the ballista bolts on the ramparts while the guards below attempted to keep the invaders from breaking into the doors. 
    2. Above the keep the party had encountered their first set of flying kobolds.  Who began to assault the siege engineers and the party and attempt to keep them off balance.
    3. When Syythrendaal appeared, Sir Clavin appeared on the roof and assumed the shape of slightly smaller silver dragon.
    4. It was almost, through a divine intervention, that Basil had released a bolt that had almost felled Syythrendaal, who flew away injured.
    5. The party returned inside and were able to maintain a short rest before another confrontation occurred.
4) A Duel
     a) Basil, who had almost felled the great green wyrm, Syythrendaal was challenged to a duel by         one of the major lieutenants of the Cult of the Five.  Mordak, a half-blue dragon, had captured             some peasants and the party's carriage and threatened to slaughter all of them if his challenge was       not met.

    1. The party would be forced to watch their comrade step toe to toe with what could perhaps be the greatest moment in his life, upholding his Oath of Devotion and potentially sacrificing himself.
    2. When the party arrived, they had found a ring of half-dragons, kobolds and cultists were waiting and chanting the name of Mordak.  It seemed as though, his honor had his minions in check and promised that it would be a one-on-one duel to the death.
    3. With minor interventions from the party and some ill luck from both parties, Basil would prevail as the victor over Mordak, who had surrendered and acknowledged his defeat.
      1. Some kobolds and a building or two were injured in the process.
    4. With Mordak captured, he revealed that the Cult of the Five were planning to release Tiamat on this plane of existence within the Den of Syythrendaal.

5) Return to the Forest of Woe
     a) After gathering information from their prisoner, Mordak, the party went into the Forest of Woe       to put an end to this conflict once and for all.

    1. The party was told that the Cult of the Five were using the Den of Syythrendaal as their headquarters.  This was below a forgotten temple surrounded by huge briars and thorns.
    2. On their way there, they encountered two shambling mounds, aptly nicknamed forest Roombas.
      1. The forest Roombas almost won.
    3. After the tough battle, the party rested for the night and would advance upon the Cult of the Five in the morning.
6) Key treasure found:
     a) Several wands of multiple colors, brands, whizpops and zippidy doos.
     b) A Bag of Holding
     c) A Ring of Invisibility
     d) An adamantium shield
     e) Boots with wings and pumps
     f) Boots of a very unidentified nature
     g) A quiver of a very unidentified nature
     h) A triangle, a musical instrument of a misunderstood nature

Session Wrap-up:
The party, requiring rest, prepare for their raid upon the Cult of the Five.

Session Rewards:
Chapter 5 exp total: 1300
How about a full rest, finally.

Chapter 6 exp total: 1300
Full rest
Bruised pride awarded by Shambling Mounds

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