Thursday, March 22, 2018

The Second Sundering - Chapter 7 & 8: The Raid and Conclusion

Who was in the group:
**I will not be doing keypoints for this adventure**
  1. Tomeck, the fourth level Half-Elf Sorcerer
  2. Varus Silvertongue, the fourth level Half-Elf Bard
  3. Tyalah, the fourth level Wood Elf Thief
  4. Basel, the fourth level Paladin of Devotion
  5. Flidais, the fourth level Huntress
  6. (U)Nagi, the fourth level Monk
Events that occurred: 
  1. After the battle with the shambling mounds, the group was given a long rest that would help them recover from the siege of the town and their recent travels.  Decidedly afterwords, the group left Nagi and the druid to watch the wagon while they ventured to secure a path into the temple.
  2. Tomeck, Varus, Tyalah, Basel and Flidais moved towards the temple grounds and found that the stone door was sealed shut.  It had taken moving what would be the equivalent of 100lbs of stone feet, one by one, to unlock the door, but their plans would soon be interrupted.
  3. A stone golem, draped in robes of all chromatic colors had stumbled across the party attempting to gain access.  Unmovingly attached to its orders, its malice had it stomp towards Varus and issue a slow spell.  No one was hurt, but there was a potential death if the party did not move.
  4. The Den of Syythrendaal was in fact enveloping around ancient ruins.  The ruins were fairly well secured, but there were several hints of disrepair and broken down structures and foundations within the temple.  Making their way downward, the party had discovered that the Cult of the Five had placed themselves and marked this as their bastion...but something seemed off.
  5. The temple was built upon a set of death traps and some amusement, but the Cult of the Five made sure that entering the temple would be the downfall to foolhardy adventurers.  Several traps and puzzles were dismantled and others were instigated by Flidais, who haphazardly triggered a trap here and there.  No one was seriously injured, but it was enough to strike fear within the party.  Throughout combat, Tiamat incurred her wrath upon the party, hinting that the ritual was underway.
  6. As the party rested once more, it seemed as if frescos on the wall were describing the acts and rites of the ritual.  The final product being a man draped in black with a green mask on his face. 
  7. As the party ventured deep into the final floors of the temple, they encountered a pedestal with a gem in the middle.  It seemed to radiate magical energy and in the room, their were sconces that lit up with player interaction.  As the party examined their situation, they realized that someone would be free to explore the next room by themselves, while the rest of the party had to touch the stones.
  8. Tyala was the one that made the commitment to enter the next room by herself; something seemed off as if the walls, floors an ceilings were cleaned- spotless. Within the quiet corridors, Tyala found an orb that opened the final door, but it did not allow the doors to remain open...and with her touch, a clasp let loose and a wiggling cube slurped out, looking to for its next meal.  The encounter went off with a second cube appearing and the almost demise of Varus and Flidais.  It was through the quick thinking of Nagi and Tomeck that their lives were sparred, but slightly charred.
  9. As the party moved past the sconces, the sound of yipping and chanting could be heard behind the door.  The ritual was in its finishing arcs as the grand cultist in his green dragon mask and black robes called upon his kobolds to fight for their last breath as he finished the ritual. It was Nagi, who had struck the last blow upon him, foiling their plan of taking him hostage...
  10. A grand portal under the the circle opened up and spewed its vitriol of the Abyss upon the party as two heads of Tiamat arose from them.  It was at that moment that her rage and strength could be felt at full strength, but through brute strength and observation, it was dropping the pillars upon her, forcing Tiamat back into the Abyss, but ripping the party into a new plane of existence.
  11. As Basel came tumbling out of the portal, he stood up in front of a sign..."Welcome to Neverwinter...", the rest of the party shortly followed suit.

Key treasure found:
     a) Green Dragon Mask
     b) Devout Robe
     c) 4 Books of semi-moderately-importance.

Session Wrap-up:
The party, exhausted from their adventure finally find time to focus on themselves and realizing that the world they once knew may potentially be gone forever.

Session Rewards:
Those that were level 4 are now level 5.
Those that were level 3 are now level 4.
Also, have 90 days of downtime.

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